Laura's Rooms dining.jpg
Items curated for a grown up living space

Items curated for a grown up living space

The Dettman Project 

We have all been there- you are now a working professional and your "style" is still stuck in college. This project has been a blast, helping people find their inner design style is what we love. 

Marrying traditional with more contemporary pieces was our challenge. As you begin to define your style remember to incorporate family pieces, or items you have collected as you've travelled. This will give your space a timeless quality and not feel like it was all purchased in the same weekend! 

We don't believe you have to spend a lot to get a lot, so take the time to shop around and find ways to make old pieces new again by putting your stamp on them. We spent a few days putting together the items pictured, and our client now has a resource guide to add as time and budget allow.